May 8th, 2023
Today I reviewed several pages I found interesting across a range of topics, in no particular order:
GPT usage
- Genius demonstration of building a classification sytem for and presenting S&P 500 companies visually using ChatGPT
- Web-based interface for HuggingChat
- Using hugging chat in python
- This seems useful if one wants to write out data/reports directly to cloud spreadsheets instead of local spreadsheets
- Added to my reading list.
- The factoids about volatility under- and over-estimation are interesting and useful.
- I read every quantifiedstrategies post. However, their usefulness varies wildly. I think the strategy reviewed here is a good introduction to a potential rules-based trend-following system.
- Study to be aware of when transacting ETFs: timing matters.
- Wolf’s review of economic signals is pertinent as usual, and concerning.
- Adding this into the Wolfstreet article, it’s clear that corporations are getting the Fed’s message, but individuals are not
- Not immediate but worth paying attention to, after seeing gas and heating oil cracking spread spike recently.
Parting thoughts
Just a thought here after seeing the GPT buzz for several weeks. GPTs are humongous time-savers. The way we work will change drastically over the next few years. Let me put on my optimist hat for a moment. The technology will not magically eliminate jobs, as reasoning still needs to be applied to both the input and output of GPT applications. However, our collective productivity is going to skyrocket, as it is shortening the learning curve for the entire globe across most information-based domains. This is deflationary, and great for GDP. This is a horse-and-buggy vs automobile moment! -KR